
Monday 30 September 2013

Your Say : Concerned Citizen

It's 5 months down the line after the election, but we haven't seen or hard a clear program from the political leadership to address the many problems affecting our county.On Friday a pregnant lady who came to deliver at Mwatate sub district hospital was literally chased away by the concerned parties at the hospital .

The same night after she went home, her child died during delivery.For the last 6 months we Mwatate residents have been living without water.So we are forced to buy one 20 liter jerrican @Ksh 50 .Despite having a tap at my home wusi,my mum and elderly grannies are forced to walk on the hills for 1 hour to fetch water.

Mshokoronyi Murray Girls saghaighu road has been in a very bad condition for many years now.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Miss Tourism Taita Taveta - Registration Ongoing!!!

If you are a lady, aged 21-28 years, a professional or still a student and you feel like you want to showcase your modeling talent, then here is your chance! Miss tourism Taita Taveta is now giving you a chance to be part of the 20 participants who will be battling for the MISS TOURISM TAITA TAVETA COUNTY 2013 title!

The winner will qualify for the national competition where she will be competing with other 47 contestants from all Counties in Kenya.

To participate, kindly click on the following link and fill in the form:

Here is the calender of events for Miss Tourism Taita Taveta County:

Registration - 18th September - 14th October 2013

Auditions - Daytime 18th and 19th Octobe r2013

Medical Camp  - Day time 2nd November 2013

Boot Camp for models 28th October - 2nd November 2013

Grand Finale 2nd November 2013

National Competition  - 30th November 2013.

The Grand Finale will be at Voi Wildlife Lodge on your way to Tsavo East National Park. We will update you about venues for the auditions.
Mbala Tole - Miss Tourism Taita Taveta Organiser.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Miss Tourism Kenya 2013 -Taita Taveta County Edition

Miss Tourism Kenya 2013
Taita Taveta County Edition

6:00 P.M,
September 18th, 2013
Nairobi Club
Ngong Rd, Nairobi

Dear friend,
Our sister and daughter, Ms Mbala Tole of Intelligent Corporate Solutions Ltd 
would like to welcome you to the launch of Miss Tourism Kenya 2013, 
Taita Taveta County Edition – a franchise of Miss Tourism Kenya. 
This  is the first of its kind, created as part of re-alignment of the Pageant 
to conform with the new devolved governance system in Kenya. The 
pageant creates a good opportunity for highlighting the great people, culture, 
scenic attractions, investment opportunities and overall 
uniqueness of Taita Taveta County besides providing platform to 
reflect the place of women and the girl child in the County.
The theme of Miss Tourism Kenya 2013 - Taita Taveta County Edition is:
 Our Beauty, Our Heritage, Our Pride

This year’s pageant comprises a series of events that will culminate 
in the Grand Final to be held on Saturday November 2nd 2013 at 
Voi Wildlife Lodge.
The series of exciting events preceding the Final include this Launch 
Cocktail, followed by County level Auditions and High visibility 
promotional activities, both within and beyond Taita Taveta County, 
namely media coverage (print, electronic and social), road shows, 
banner/poster advertisements, public education/health day at Voi town, 
among others.
The Winner of Miss Tourism Kenya 2013: Taita Taveta Edition will 
compete with 46 other County Finalists at the Miss Tourism 
Kenya 2013 Finals on November 30th 2013.

It is on the above premise that Ms Tole would like to take 
this opportunity to invite you to attend the official launch 
on 18th September 2013 at the Nairobi club beginning 6.00 pm.

Intelligent Corporate Solutions Ltd  on behalf of Miss Tourism Kenya 

2013– Taita Taveta County Edition is delighted to offer 
partnership and sponsorship opportunities .
Read the event proposal here (document link) with a budget of 

Ksh  3.5million. For any information and / or clarification, do 
not hesitate to contact her through the contacts below. 
Thank you!
Mbala Tole
Marketing Director
Intelligent Corporate Solutions Ltd
Diara House; Madaraka Shopping Centre
Olesangale Road, Nairobi

Mobile: 0726-264645
Tel: 020-2620880/4

 >> Wed 18th September 2013 Pageant Launch
        Nairobi Club, Nairobi 
 >> Sat 05th October 2013 | County Auditions in Voi Town
        (Venues to be Communicated), Voi
 >> Sat 02nd November 2013 Miss Tourism Kenya 2013 County Finals
Voi Wildlife Lodge, Voi
>> Sat 30th November 2013 Miss Tourism Kenya 2013 Finals