
Tuesday 13 August 2013

From Facebook: Governor John Mruttu vs The Public!!! Interesting.

  • Employment of kenyans originating from other counties

    I trust you have all read sunday nation page 22. The article deals with
    employment opportunities in counties and implies that NCIC will issue
    guidelines to compel Governors to offer employment to kenyans originating
    from other counties. This is to avoid counties becoming ethnic enclaves. We
    have discussed the subject in this forum before. Any further thoughts on it.
    Like ·  · Follow Post ·  · Sunday at 15:57 via Email
    • 6 people like this.
    • Wilfred Mwawaza Mjomba priority should be given to people frm our county.let's give the opportunities to our own young men n women let's not have repeat of history n other past injustices where people would be brought from for to serve us while our very own qualified n competent people remain jobless or unemployed
      Sunday at 16:04 via mobile · Like · 2
    • Silvano Mwabora but dnt give them a say over our own county residents...ikiezekana wakuwe tuu assistants and Tea boys. mheshimiwa have a look at a county like Nakuru. The above named county only employed one tribe as its employees. Kindly make it as your reference in recruitments. Thank you
      Sunday at 16:05 via mobile · Like · 3
    • Elly Elia Mruttu Sorry to say that having the numbers has its concequences... it is evident that this is a plot to avoid sone tribes with big numbers from being jobless coz they cant fit in their counties. counties with minority tribes in kenya like our county will be hard hit by this. jaz for example one time i was comparing the shortlist of taita taveta county with elgeyo marakwet county and ours included all the tribes but the marakwet one was their names only. if pple are to get jobs outside their counties let them put positions that are not supperior coz if they have superior positions like what we see here in taita taveta (the CFO and county secretary) are not from here we are seeing a drop in service delivery leave alone developments. i think we should have a percentage that is acceptable and specific positions that canbe given to non county and this should cut through all the counties.
      Sunday at 16:12 via mobile · Like · 3
    • Agnes Brenda taitas and tavetas to be given priority first
      Sunday at 16:14 via mobile · Like · 2
    • Mkamandume Barubaru In order to satisfy the NCIC requirement employ people from ethnic minorities from the coast such as digo, giryama, pokomo etc as well as ethnic groups who already reside in Taita Taveta County such as luos, luhyas and kisiis and require the recipcrocity from like minded governors...
    • Samuel Maghanga Apa, i' highly doubt whether governors in some known counties will comply with the said guidelines, do you also think county members from Taita Taveta will enjoy the same elsewhere? It's time people appreciated devolution in the true sense of the word.
    • Zinga Makale Its a crap..if u hold all the other factors constant may be though for now they better be enclaves..
    • Walter Mghanga thats a never ever! the objective of devolution was to empower minor communities to run their own affairs afta 50yrs of tyranny! thats taita employment opportunity. it wont make sense to see another tribe in ua office n am jobless!
    • Elly Elia Mruttu mchikirwa i beg to differ. can u calculate in terms of percentage the chances of u geting employment in nyeri county? dont even stress ur mind coz i guess it will be anything below zero coz im sure even the interviews will be conducted in their mothertongue. lets face it that some strong positions should never be given to pple from outside... ushawai ona treasury ama defence ikipewa mjaluo? ask urself y. and following the example by the president and the deputy on cabinet positions, your excellency i dont see place inataka rocket science ndio ujue chenye kinafaa kufanywa.... its taitas or tavetas wengine wawe majirani wa coast...
      Sunday at 16:26 via mobile · Like · 4
    • Walter Mghanga to me you sound lyk a coward! you sound like a priest! Grow some BALLS and work lyk a governor!
    • Jefta Jay Mghana On paper yes bt in reality aint going to happen ...ncic does not even believe in what it says. Wait let other counties do it first
      Sunday at 16:28 via mobile · Like · 2
    • Wilfred Mwawaza Mjomba In short word Mr governor that requirement should not b complied with in our county n we are not tribalic bt a time has come we lead ourselves we can make it we not less thinkers let's believe in ourselves. YES WE CAN
      Sunday at 16:30 via mobile · Like · 2
    • Walter Mghanga Mheshimiwa, we follow the constitution not NCIC. We hv the opportunity to grow ourselves, otha tribes will neva help us. Spare me that thought!
      Sunday at 16:36 via mobile · Like · 2
    • Katuta Bin Ngei The guideline Mheshimiwa wil shade more light thus enabling us to make objective input. At thz intial stage i opine that cross county transfers wil suffice. Ie a certain percentage eg 10% of our county employees wil have to serve in other counties and vice versa. However, their renumeration and terms and conditions of service should be debated to a neat end, as to whether to remain under their counties or those they wil be transfered to the counties that they wil time and again serve.
      Sunday at 16:38 via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
    • Samuel Maghanga One very important tenets of devolution was to allow the so called marginalized groups an opportunity to run their development and also political agenda, to be very honest, those guidelines will be prepared to take care of interests of some very specific ethnic groups...that have flooded their opportunities back in their homes. Apa we voted you in, and we have no doubt in your ability and wisdom to manage this.Good day Apa.
    • John Mruttu So that we dont loose the thread..... it is Kibunja saying it and not me.
      The subject is in the paper today. I bring it to your attention for those
      that dont read papers and so that I can hear your voices. Already some
      excellent ideas have come through. Lets keep the debate going.
      On 11 Aug 2013 16:36, "Walter Mghanga" <
      Sunday at 16:44 via  · Like · 2
    • Mbogo Hezron Perhaps we should ask the NCIC to guide us on how to treat people from Counties which have not employed a single person from Taita Taveta.
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @maghanga..ur advocating politics of exclusion which is retarded and primitive, taita-taveta county must embrace diversity by employing the minimum number of staff to satisfy NCIC requirements from "friendly" counties which have also employed our own....
    • Hassan Olow I think priority should b for residents taking majority positions while also allocating minority groups an allocation or two. Just a thought, the 2009 census gives a sizeable Muslim population in the County while that is not reflected in your government so far
      Sunday at 16:50 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Msanii Mwakana To hell with dat nci devolution means.....can u employ a nigerian while uar pple are jobles &cant b emplyd n nigeria.
    • Elly Elia Mruttu mamkunde im sure retard and primitive will not be welcomed kindly if thrown ur way. u have a point in the end but before we embark on that i think intercounty transfars should work to deploy pple back to their homes coz im sure all the taitas and tavetas working outside will fit and have positions in the county.
    • Samuel Maghanga It is devolution Apa governor......the architects of this move should come out clearly and declare there interests in whole thing, they ought to have addressed issues on negative ethnicity long time ago.They feel their cake is too small for there numbers.Apa , kataa hayo mambo kabisa.
    • Walter Mghanga You need to read governor, read our history, read the constitution, read the laws power n read the bible too...... You seem clueles abt ua role as the King of TAITANS!
    • Endrew Mwambanga Its alright but only for specialist jobs. I believe the county will develop more if we have diversity of knowledge and skills. Again we are still one Kenya, if we have shortage of certain caliber of employees its better to outsource from other counties.
      Sunday at 17:02 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Elly Elia Mruttu mchikirwa everyones id shows the place they come from. hiyo haitaki maproffesor kujua. im sure when we say taitas and tavetas we talk of pple living here. and from what ive been saying is its hard for minor tribes to get a job in a place they were not born or raised and again if it was like that y didnt u ask of pares when i said taitas and tavetas?
    • Zeq Wa Mwadeghu Mwakore This is not debateable coz evrybody has his/her county period apart from nairobi
    • Apa Bush Hauss Thanx for ur update Apa, Governor. Its simple, u know some fellow governors: WAPE watu wako nawe TUKUWA watu wake. Remember to employ ALGEBRA in ur equation.
    • Analyst Nicho Muthama provided u have the qualification hata kama umetoka tz kazi upewe
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @mwakore...what about Lamu, Kwale and Taita-Taveta have migrant communities which have settled some are in the 4th generation...are u saying they ship out to their counties of origin..??? and which ethnic group belongs to Mombasa county where many taita-taveta people reside..???
    • Joe Mwakiremba What this country needs is Affirmative action. Minority tribes that have been pushed to the periphery for decades must be allowed recruit from within until a threshold is reached.I advocate for only 10pc to be given to non-residential individuals.
      Sunday at 17:22 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Elly Elia Mruttu muthama... hata nashangaa uko aje kwa hii forum...
      Sunday at 17:22 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Elly Elia Mruttu when i said y dint u ask of pare was to affirm my point that when i say taitas and tavetas i mean wataveta, wataita, wapare, wakamba wa taveta and the likes. we need no no strangers in our county. u read me now madam?
      Sunday at 17:27 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Katuta Bin Ngei I reiterate that inter county transfers is the way to go. Thoz fearing that the bigger communities wil benefit r misguided. Our county gov. Staffs r not of the same number country wide. However, to get 10% of county staffs frm all 47 county gov. Is nt a big deal. Its frm the real figs. Not the % per se that we wil be able to know how many members of our county wil work outside. Assuming that the biggest county is nairobi and its 10% translates to 500 staffs, while the smallest is taita taveta and its 10 % translates to 50 members, a consensus wil have to be reached so as not to disadvantage small counties by gvn them more staffs while gvn them less. We can leave that 4 the technocrats.
      Sunday at 17:28 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Katuta...transfers is method of forced recruitment...many professionals may not want to be transferred...taita-taiveta county may end up being a dumping ground for rejects...transparent and competitive employment is the way to go in order to attract people who are genuinely interested and committed to develop taita-taveta county...
    • Mbogo Hezron Katuta, what do you expect of recommendations from a bunch of "Technocrats" if they happen to come from one County/region? Maybe every County should be forced to publish the full list of all their recruits , possibly on the same day, so as to expose the offending Counties.
    • Elly Elia Mruttu i can understand pple from mwatate and wundanyi districts hawajui other placea like voi and taveta wa
      Sunday at 17:35 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Elly Elia Mruttu wako meteropolitan.
      Sunday at 17:36 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Mchikirwa....tofauti ipi baina ya mtaveta na mpare na hali wanazungumza lugha moja...??? tofauti labda ni kuwa mpare anatoka Tz...
    • Martin Tairo Maseghe Bwana governor, this is when my 'primitive energies' come to action. I always ask myself whether i would be given that opportunity if i were in Siaya or Murang'a. I guess not. Devolution was meant to develop the grassroots, it should remain so.

      We know there are non Taita Tavetas who were born and brought up in the county. They should definitely be given these opportunities as they are part and parcel of us. But these ones, we know them as we have grown up with them.

      What i would not expect is a situation where these jobs are advertised in national media, applications are received from across the country and we accept them. No way.
      Sunday at 17:50 via mobile · Like · 3
    • Joe Mwakiremba The key word here is RESIDENT. If one can prove that they are a resident of Taita county by form of ID (5y
      ears or more) and have Taita's interests at heart then that group of individuals should form at least 90pc of the County's workforce.
      Sunday at 17:55 via mobile · Edited · Like · 2
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Maseghe..would you support transfer of staff from other counties to take up positions in Taita-Taveta County as advocated by Katuta bin Ngei...???
    • Paul Mwawasi TaitaTaveta will not become dumping place for rejected employees by name of transfers...
      Sunday at 18:00 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Joe Mwakiremba Inter-tranfers wont work. Who is to say what calibre of staff goes to which county? we want the best of our home-bred talent.
      Sunday at 18:05 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Katuta Bin Ngei Thats why Governor Muruttu must come out clearly on who is the resident 4 Taita Taveta County. Im shocked Msangi is calling other tribes outsiders while Mtaveta and Mtaita insiders. In her opinion, wakamba, wajaluo, wasomali etc r outsiders and thus minority. No. The governor himself comes frm amongst the smallest tribe in tvt. U can consult the 2009 census rpt. I wil be shocked if he entertains msangis thot. Taita Taveta is nt lyk Muranga, kisumu or makueni. No. It falls under the league of Kajiado and nakuru. We r cosmopolitan county.
      Sunday at 18:28 via mobile · Edited · Like · 3
    • Katuta Bin Ngei Its unfortunate u deleted that post. In ur argument u opined that instead of employing people frm other counties, we ought to employ the minority group in our county. U gave an example of kambas and luos. Then my concern has bn how r they minority. Thz is an open forum 4 debate. I respect everyones opinion. I however, do nt agree with everything posted.
    • Chris Mwikamba Tafadhali Aboo kusediredie wanyika dawida jisha wana wako kwaza nakuzighane wa jirani.
    • Jonny Nyambu TSC is again recruiting teachers...last time almost all posts in Coast Counties were taken by guys from up country due to the criteria used. Respective Counties need to have quotas for its own residents first!
      Sunday at 18:52 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Katuta...immigrant ethnic communities which have settled in Taita-Taveta are minorities irrespective of their national population status...unless you have the ethnic population statistics for Taita-Taveta to prove otherwise...this means that yes..Kambas, Luos, Luhyas etc are minorities in Taita-Taveta County...!!!
    • Elly Elia Mruttu mkamandume we have tavetas and pares who were recently enlisted in the kenyan tribes. tuna wapare wa kenya na watanzania boss en the languages r not the same.
    • Elly Elia Mruttu mkamandume we cant enlist kambas as minorities in taveta. tuko the same population en they are still growing in numbers...
      Sunday at 19:05 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Elly...when you say the taveta, pare (k) and pare (Tz) languages are not the same.. do you mean the languages are not mutually intelligible..??? language authorities have confirmed that they are 100% intelligible, which means the language is the same....!!!
    • Elly Elia Mruttu mchiki usijali niko hapa dada wasikukondeshe...
    • Elly Elia Mruttu mkamandume the languagea whatever ur calling them dont speak either. i speak taveta en know lil bit of pare en im telling u they are not the same not even 70% lets say 50%.... so they are not the same.
      Sunday at 19:11 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Elly....50% intelligibility means they are the same language...this is the case with the myriad luhya and kalenjin ethnic groups...infact those in the opposite ends of the continuum are mutually unintelligible but are of the same tribe...
    • George Msikari kama weni mwarashu,mwaighonyi, we wambengo na wamu wazima wanekwa vaghu dawida lee, nakotia ni wadawida walinga wanekwa vaghu kwa county rawo? hebu ghenda nyeri angu homabay ngera mkuaa mdawida kifundisha angu cliniki wei ni doktari. Tafazali wanedu iri surukali redecha heri wakiwa wipate kujitesia ela mkadikia ughu wukelu wana wedu na weke wawa wichaa tawalwa paka shighadinyi. Ihi nio ngelo na dikasarigha isanga ja dawida jawusa picha ya kenya seji iko, kila andu ni mwarashu kwani waavalwa wuzimaaaaa????
      Sunday at 19:24 via mobile · Like · 3
    • Elly Elia Mruttu wah sijui unatokea wapi buda but kama lugha itaongelewa na ukose some words then i dont know where ur getin tha 100 percent frm. anyway lets agree to disagree coz i don get ur logic nomata how u xplain.
    • Joseph Jumbe Mr. Governor, as Taita Taveta County we dont mind employing non natives. However let it start with other counties. We shall be the 47th county to implement that policy. Of the imigrants, let them do business with us; they got space in central gvt jobs. they shall remain our geusts in peace. Kibunja shall never try intimidate us; we've been down for too long na roho zetu zishakua ngumu.
      Sunday at 19:30 via mobile · Edited · Like · 3
    • Gibon Mwakichi This is now an issue which we need all of us to agree,because the way they will put it, it may only work to only certains counties(coast counties) and not the whole counties of kenya. What I may say if it is compulsary then we give this opportunity to only profesionals. Believe me or not it will be first periority mtu na kwao! Also so long as we have our fellow other tribes who are born here,then we have to accept them.
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Elly..consider the case of Kisaghala which is much closer to Kiduruma and Kigiriama (Mijikenda)... but are a Taita speaking people....
    • John Mruttu Barubaru, you've brought forth an interesting angle to the discussion which find quite stimulating. So what makes communities to be classified as being same tribe? Is it language alone or customs and other cultural practices (foods, song and dance, passage rites) processes play a role? I have been told several times by senior Taitas that the Pares and the Taitas are the same people. In your opinion how close are the 3 languages (Taita, Taveta and Pare) to each other?
      Sunday at 19:44 via  · Like · 2
    • Kimbio Mwaluda Coast people have complained for being marginalised for a long time, infact we wanted federal gvt. Those who have travelled to other counties, know that even communication is done in mother tongue in offices, no taita is employed there, in short WE DONT NEED THEM. infact they are lucky to get ROAD CONTRACTS in taita county. No taita can do business in SIAYA OR NYERI. Let kibunjia start with national parastatals first.
      Sunday at 19:45 via mobile · Like · 3
    • Joseph Jumbe Our governor was soo clear. "Your views". He never asked you to start arguing & debating!
      Sunday at 19:47 via  · Like · 2
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Mruttu....the Luhya and Kalenjin tribes as we know them now were created in the 1940s to mobilize ethnic support in order to politically compete with kikuyus, luos and kambas which have distinct identities. However even now some luhya and kalenjin sub-tribes dont understand each other 100% i.e. maragoli and bukusu. In recent times the Gema have mobilized kikuyu, embu and meru as one political community even though they dont also understand each other 100%. The most interesting are Chaggas..there are 4 distinct languages and some dont understand each other 100% yet they identify as one political tribe. In the case of Taita, Taveta and Pare they have a common origin..Taveta and Pare are mutually intelligible but Taitas have been isolated by distance such that the language has evolved over time..just like in the case of pokomos and mijikenda....which are recognized as different....
    • Mbogo Hezron I still believe every County should be made to publish the list of those they are employing before they give them the substantive posts. If NCIC can't compel them to do this, it is because they always wait for the damage to be done before they can shout from the rooftops.
    • Joseph Jumbe @Kimbio, a by-election is necessary for the County Rep for Maungu & Voi. thats where we start from!
      Sunday at 20:12 via mobile · Like · 2
    • Elly Elia Mruttu barubaru u have a point but u skiped the custom aspect that the Governor talked about culture. the dance of the pare is more similar in moves to taita and the beat and the tempo of the dans than the taveta. how about that?
      Sunday at 20:17 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Hassan Olow Mhe. John Mruttu and Barubaru, just to give an anthropological perspective, there is a clear cultural and lineage link between Taveta and Pare, but for Taita besides being from the Bantu group of communities there is no additional cultural link besides being in close proximity. I think the park and geographical distance was a hindrance to more linkages in the past. Even the original district name and our current county name describes 2 distinct territories who are more prominent when combined rather than being seen in isolation. In relation to your original comment, this clearly shows the strength in diversity. Also considering the County resources is not fully tapped as of now, we need broader participation as long as the County and residents benefit in development and other investments to improve returns from natural resources
    • Gibon Mwakichi As one has said let kibunja give us an example on natinal government first and if it is compulsary let our county be the last county to implement this. We shall be glad to see Taita and Tavetas employed in murang'a, Meru, machakos etc.
      Sunday at 20:22 via mobile · Like · 3
    • Mkamandume Barubaru Bw. Governor...very little published research has been done on the taita and taveta ethnic communities...its evident that the tavetas have intaracted a lot with the il-kisonko maasai, which has made the language a little different from pare....however this is one area that needs in-depth research...
    • Gibon Mwakichi Pls. views and not stories and history. Hit the nail on the head, why bit about the bush, I beg you people to say something about wards of kaloleni and Maungu are we not in better place as a start?
    • Boniface Lewela Let us be the last to implement after confirming that our people have also secured opportunities in the other 46 counties. Otherwise we employ our own and see where ncic will take us
    • Final HK Cut Well, i agree with kibunja.. But just like other resources, a human resource from county of origin should be given a first priority.. there shuld be a kind of ratio.. eg 1 from outside to 7 from within.. Basic policy shuld be that pple of the county of origin must be given a first consideration.. and NEVER Giv outsiders positions of influence.. Just clerical & support services.. Mr governor Mruttu you will notice that the national govt only knows how to shout opinions when actually what they practise is totally opposite.
    • Married Bachelor Ngoma Jobs are for Taitas and Tavetas nly...muache pang'anga useless.Period.
      Sunday at 21:42 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Pamphil Mwambingu We are not atraining ground. A survey from ncic shows that 68percent of all gok staffs comes 4rm 5tribes and 37 share the rest! Shoukd they compel the gok first? We are the people TUPATIE SISI WENYEJI KAZI NI HAKI YETU.
      Sunday at 21:42 via mobile · Like · 5
    • Married Bachelor Ngoma Mwambingu u r damn right.
    • Tenge Tongoi Does being Bantu have anything to do with the similarities found among a significant number of Kenyan tribes?
    • Mwang'ombe Mwamburi Mwambeo nipigie simu nikushauri mkubwa. meanwhile, ajiri vijana wako kwanza kisha tukahesabu wataveta-taita kwa ofisi za serikali central na riftvalley. mkulima wa mahindi akichekea nyani huvuna viguguta!
      Sunday at 22:12 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Prophetes Bitoo Mwaisaka Ncic should 1st implemented in other counties, we a fed up with these injustices CHANGU NI CHETU CHAKO its yours alone nkt
    • Mkamandume Barubaru @Tongoi...of course neighboring bantu tribes have similarities but there exists differences that make them distinct..foe example interlacustrine bantus (around lake victoria) like luhyas, kisiis, kurias, basoga, baganda, rwanda, burundi and congolese are very different from eastern kenya bantus...also different from the Azande bantus found in South Sudan and Central Africa Republic..
    • Frank Mwalenga As a County i think we have done well accomodating the so called outside communities.I support the idea of giving opportunies to friendly counties who give opportunities to our county men and women.
      Sunday at 22:29 via mobile · Like · 4
    • Mwang'ombe Mwamburi Mwambeo This born-again demeanor has seen this county lose much! Do what they do to other Kenyans, punda huchoka kubeba mizigo akauma watu.
      Sunday at 22:38 via mobile · Like · 1
    • Eng B. Tom What other counties have done in their shortlistings is purely "Kila mndu kwa mae".
      Sunday at 22:49 via mobile · Like · 3
    • Mkanya Porozi each county 2 give priority 2 it's county people. nothing to outsiders if u go 2 central there's nothing 4 other tribes
      Sunday at 23:10 via mobile · Like · 2
    • Mwachanya Lenjo Can u Imagine getting a man fromTaita/Taveta county in Kiambu county or Murang'a county doing business leave alone working......atakuwa anafanya nini huko!!!! WE SHOULD NOT ENTERTAIN THIS, OUR COUNTY IS NOT A TRAINING GROUND...wakwende huko
    • Fabian Mghanga Mheshimiwa Mruttu i will forwad my cv to you and will hopefully wait to hear from you
    • Maganga Pascool it is not a bad idea but with limitations
    • Silvano Mwabora As Tea men maybe
    • Mzee Savalanga one thing mr mruttu,home residents first priority.we are not ready for another external dominanace if we are fully to benefit from the so called devolution
    • Jackson Mwanzala In order for our county to Grow we need to have a mixture from other communities to contribute new Ideas we cannot succeed when we are alone Take example from America it is successful because of Outsiders,however we have to take care not to be exploited.
      23 hours ago · Like · 4
    • Lukongodo Ken The issue must only be residence based not tribe based..e.g one must have resided within the county for many years before being considered for jobs at per with residents or even public schools funded by levies on local residents should charge differently for non residents...
    • Married Bachelor Ngoma Nadhani hii pang'ang'a mob nilimaliza,jobs are for Taitas and Tavetas only,ni nini hamuelewi?
      21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
    • Peter Kileta let the mtaita and mtaveta benefit from theirv county. we have lost alot. we have seen job opportunities for the taitas given to other people, plz Hon Mruttu kaa ngumu or we shal be complaining of missing jobs as youths.
      16 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Mwachere Shuma I will also go for RESIDENCE as the key factor here.... Anyone with permanent address within TTC should be considered for any position in the County irregardless of his/her surname.... I believe someone who has his/her children schooling in TTC and pro...See More
      16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
    • Mwachere Shuma Language should not be the main factor to consider in this process... I have met Taitas and Tavetas, born and raised, who are not comfortable speaking their language... in contrast, I have seen People from other Counties who have been in Taita or Taveta for a fews years and proudly speak the language... My second 2 Cents
      16 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Jotham Kilalo Mwash we have succumbed to cowardice.putting afew kikuyus in our county public service wont diminish our image.if anything it will make it shine.we have many taitas working for asians,why must we deny asians representation for instance?
    • Philistance Chari Kusema kweli si mbaya but when we apply 2 other counties twaangaliwa kama nyani. Hii haileti shangwe kabisa.
      14 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
    • Katuta Bin Ngei Lets wait 4 the ncic guidelines. After we get it, we shal b able to interrogate its merits and demerits. If it wil b a guideline thats incapable of implementation, we have a moral duty to disobey. Civil disobedience is guaranteed in our new dispensatio...See More
      2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
    • Jotham Kilalo Mwash Kimbio Mwaluda Mandela said=the fact that we are victims we dont have to make victims of others.other than culture and other aspects of social leanings I think governments core duty is to protect persons and as we all know not all property in Taita belongs to taitas.this therefore makes it necessary to include others inthe administration
    • Johnam Smallgiant Mwarigha Daktari Preference should be given to county residents. At the national level its only few tribes which are benefitting, so let other tribes benefit at county level
      2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
    • Jonathan Ngami Chora However ,majority should come from the county,regardless.we should not be cheated,we want our people to reinvest home through what they are paid.
    • Jimmy Shangala John Mruttu,I agree with most of what has been said.If you must cave in to this pressure, make sure you pick the most qualified.Give preference to professionals.How are the other counties going about this?
    • Kimbio Mwaluda Jotham kilalo, can other counties do to our people what we have been doing to them?? Can a taita be welcome in other counties?? Can they do it first?

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