
Thursday 31 October 2013


From The County Government Office:

I wish to appreciate that Taita Taveta county government is addressing the numerous challenges facing our peoples which are social & economic.

We have lined up the following activities for the better part of next week.

We shall commission the following facilities.
1. Maungu Health Centre in Maungu
2. Rekeke Health Centre in Taveta
3. Operation Theatre in Mwatate
4. Mgange Health Cente in Mgange dawida
5. Modern Moi Hospital maternity in Voi.

It is important to understand that only Early Childhood schools which we refer to as nurseries and youth pyrotechnics have been devolved while primary and secondary schools remain the responsibility of the National Government. TTC government has nevertheless taken the decision to intervene in matters of education. We have held two stakeholders forum, one for Primary school, the other for Secondary school. Task forces have been formed to identify the issues that are negatively affecting our education. Another taskforce has completed preparing a draft bill that will create the legal framework for disgusting bursaries to high school students and loans to college students. The draft bill is ready it will be discussed with stakeholders next week and then tabled to the county assembly. We hope that our county assembly will come out of their strike and pass this important piece of legislation. I note that somebody is posting a comment that they have no water for a chemistry practical exam. I presume he is a teacher. He should actually feel ashamed if a whole school with graduate teachers, school principal and a board can allow such a situation to occur. It is instructive that he did not mention the school's name. How many litres of water are required? Can't the school buy the water? One thing for sure is if we all sit down and fold our hands waiting for somebody else to do even the simplest of things then we have a big problem. Let's remember what JFK said about not to only mourn for what the government has not done but also lets ask what haven't we done for the country (read county).

We are in high level discussions with national government and coast water services board on Mzima water project. The project as currently designed excludes ttc completely a situation that is not acceptable. As we have said in this forum before the project for taping Lake Challa waters and distribute to Taveta and up to Bura is now being marketed. This water will be enough for irrigation, human & animals consumption.

For the last 2 weeks we have been moving to all the wards in the county issuing free certified seeds as well as promoting usage of fertilizers which is available at subsidized prices.

Let us be truthful to the reality that these problems did not begin with the advert of devolved government but have been with us.
By the way, you may not be aware but TTC is a pacesetter in many respects. If you read papers you will notice that very many counties are advertising for positions many months after TTC and what is being advertised is cut and paste what we've done.
So people it is your right to criticize but let's do so constructively. If there is nothing positive that you are aware of that is happening, then I suggest that you put your ear on the ground and also visit the TTC government Facebook page.
Remember to join us in the first ever mining expo that is taking place in Mwatate on Saturday 2/11 to be followed up by miss tourism TTC beauty pageant in Voi.




  1. Hey, i am doing a profiling in the county for UNDP and Youth Fund under Economic Empowerment Program being implemented by Ministry of Devolution and planning. I am stressed about the rate of unemployment in our county and that"s why am coming up with 5 business profiles ie need based,resource based and skill based in order to create more jobs in our county especially for the youths.

    In my research ,i found out that the youths require training in business entrepreneurial skills and development. I would therefore request the concerned to contact Mr. Boniface Kitili The UNDP training facilitator to see how we can come up with several training on this .this will improve wealth creation in our county and create job opportunities to the youths.

    Elizabeth Mutheu- UNDP Consultant

  2. Hi. Kindly give more details: which county you are targeting and how you want us to assist or how we can work together.
