
Friday 19 July 2013

Your Say - Corruption!

This Kilinda scandal lets end it here and now!I see rifts already..

My fellow Taitas;Right now in Kenya,there are rumors of a revolution soon.But..We Taitas are peace loving people..

We are blessed and endowed with resources that no other county in Kenya has.We have Minerals(Madini),fertile land,Mountains,Tsavo National Park,et al..

The Mwatate-Taveta road construction will start soon.We now have a devolved system of Government ,meaning TTC is a Government on its own..With all these resources,tell me, do we need outsiders or the Government?Tunajulikana wataita voted 6-piece CORD 100% so tuko opposition as usual.. We can fend for ourselves as they continue despising us as a minority tribe!

Leka sasa niwesere iri koshi iwi; NSIS na Kibunjia winishtaki for hate speech.Bure kabisa chuchuwiri iri.

By: Walter Wray on Facebook!

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