
Sunday 3 November 2013

Miss Tourism Taita Taveta - And The Winner Is......

Annah Olila Wughanga, 20 years old, 5.70 ft, International Business Administration student at United States International University (USIU) is the FIRST ever MISS TOURISM TAITA TAVETA.

Saturday 2 November 2013

D-Day for Miss Tourism Taita Taveta

The CROWNING of the FIRST Miss Tourism Taita Taveta will be held tonight at Voi Wildlife Logde. 
for more infor:

Thursday 31 October 2013


From The County Government Office:

I wish to appreciate that Taita Taveta county government is addressing the numerous challenges facing our peoples which are social & economic.

We have lined up the following activities for the better part of next week.

We shall commission the following facilities.
1. Maungu Health Centre in Maungu
2. Rekeke Health Centre in Taveta
3. Operation Theatre in Mwatate
4. Mgange Health Cente in Mgange dawida
5. Modern Moi Hospital maternity in Voi.

Monday 28 October 2013

Joyce Lay's Gift to Wundanyi Youth

Handing over a Car Wash pump to the Wundanyi Stage Youth Group fulfiling a campaign pledge to empower members of the group.

The Pump worth Sh.180, 000.

Sunday 27 October 2013

I need an apology from Royal Media Services - Joyce Lay!


Ladies and gentlemen, let me first and foremost start by stating that am proud to be a Taita and to have the honour to be the first County Member of the National Assembly for Taita Taveta. This responsibility given TI me by an overwhelming majority of the electorate is a cherished role that I embrace and ever since my election I have spent each day dedicated towards economically empowering the men and women of this great county as this was the platform on which I campaigned on and in which I was elected. Although constitutionally my office is termed as the representative of women to the National Assembly, my duty as an elected official is to represent the interests of both men and women of Taita Taveta county who elected me.

Shadow Government for Taita Taveta County

A group of activists from Taita Taveta County are in the process of launching a shadow government which will guide the county government of how to perform its duties.

The objective of this government is to offer constructive oversight and alternative leadership to the county of Taita Taveta, to eradicate poverty, injustices,and organize citizens to pull resources together for the betterment of their living condition.

Here is a statement from Christopher Mwambingu, one of the founders of the Shadow Government: 

Good people,Taita Taveta County Shadow government is about working to ensure basics.

Like reducing taxes and encouraging micro traders hence building our economy,pushing to ensure our village roads are in good order, Ensuring market for our agricultural products, monitoring healthcare facilities to ensure access while encouraging preventive measures, every school child own a tree program ,providing light to school kids through solar lamps, encouraging kitchen gardening, chicken goat raring for every house hold,encouraging water harvesting, One cow per village etc.

We will also monitor county government to ensure, transparency and accountability in managing public funds and resources while offering alternative leadership.

We also want to nurture a new pro people crop of leadership .Keep the thoughts coming.We mean serious business against poverty.

The shadow government is scheduled to be launched in one month time.

Monday 14 October 2013

Joyce Lay's BIG HEART

Taita Taveta County National Assembly representative Joyce Wanjalla Lay, through her foundation, Joyce Lay Foundation, showed a big heart after she accepted and supported a girl who dropped out of school due to lack of fees.

Philister Mghoi was called to join Murray Girls but she did not due to lack of school feels. The mother decided to take her to Munda Secondary which is near her home as a day scholar where she again dropped out of school last term due to the same problem. 

Joyce Lay was then informed of her case, touched by the situation and decided to support her. The principal Murray Girls accepted to admit her. Mghoi is now at Murray Girls from 9th of this month, 2013. 

Philister Mghoi

Monday 30 September 2013

Your Say : Concerned Citizen

It's 5 months down the line after the election, but we haven't seen or hard a clear program from the political leadership to address the many problems affecting our county.On Friday a pregnant lady who came to deliver at Mwatate sub district hospital was literally chased away by the concerned parties at the hospital .

The same night after she went home, her child died during delivery.For the last 6 months we Mwatate residents have been living without water.So we are forced to buy one 20 liter jerrican @Ksh 50 .Despite having a tap at my home wusi,my mum and elderly grannies are forced to walk on the hills for 1 hour to fetch water.

Mshokoronyi Murray Girls saghaighu road has been in a very bad condition for many years now.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Miss Tourism Taita Taveta - Registration Ongoing!!!

If you are a lady, aged 21-28 years, a professional or still a student and you feel like you want to showcase your modeling talent, then here is your chance! Miss tourism Taita Taveta is now giving you a chance to be part of the 20 participants who will be battling for the MISS TOURISM TAITA TAVETA COUNTY 2013 title!

The winner will qualify for the national competition where she will be competing with other 47 contestants from all Counties in Kenya.

To participate, kindly click on the following link and fill in the form:

Here is the calender of events for Miss Tourism Taita Taveta County:

Registration - 18th September - 14th October 2013

Auditions - Daytime 18th and 19th Octobe r2013

Medical Camp  - Day time 2nd November 2013

Boot Camp for models 28th October - 2nd November 2013

Grand Finale 2nd November 2013

National Competition  - 30th November 2013.

The Grand Finale will be at Voi Wildlife Lodge on your way to Tsavo East National Park. We will update you about venues for the auditions.
Mbala Tole - Miss Tourism Taita Taveta Organiser.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Miss Tourism Kenya 2013 -Taita Taveta County Edition

Miss Tourism Kenya 2013
Taita Taveta County Edition

6:00 P.M,
September 18th, 2013
Nairobi Club
Ngong Rd, Nairobi

Dear friend,
Our sister and daughter, Ms Mbala Tole of Intelligent Corporate Solutions Ltd 
would like to welcome you to the launch of Miss Tourism Kenya 2013, 
Taita Taveta County Edition – a franchise of Miss Tourism Kenya. 
This  is the first of its kind, created as part of re-alignment of the Pageant 
to conform with the new devolved governance system in Kenya. The 
pageant creates a good opportunity for highlighting the great people, culture, 
scenic attractions, investment opportunities and overall 
uniqueness of Taita Taveta County besides providing platform to 
reflect the place of women and the girl child in the County.
The theme of Miss Tourism Kenya 2013 - Taita Taveta County Edition is:
 Our Beauty, Our Heritage, Our Pride

This year’s pageant comprises a series of events that will culminate 
in the Grand Final to be held on Saturday November 2nd 2013 at 
Voi Wildlife Lodge.
The series of exciting events preceding the Final include this Launch 
Cocktail, followed by County level Auditions and High visibility 
promotional activities, both within and beyond Taita Taveta County, 
namely media coverage (print, electronic and social), road shows, 
banner/poster advertisements, public education/health day at Voi town, 
among others.
The Winner of Miss Tourism Kenya 2013: Taita Taveta Edition will 
compete with 46 other County Finalists at the Miss Tourism 
Kenya 2013 Finals on November 30th 2013.

It is on the above premise that Ms Tole would like to take 
this opportunity to invite you to attend the official launch 
on 18th September 2013 at the Nairobi club beginning 6.00 pm.

Intelligent Corporate Solutions Ltd  on behalf of Miss Tourism Kenya 

2013– Taita Taveta County Edition is delighted to offer 
partnership and sponsorship opportunities .
Read the event proposal here (document link) with a budget of 

Ksh  3.5million. For any information and / or clarification, do 
not hesitate to contact her through the contacts below. 
Thank you!
Mbala Tole
Marketing Director
Intelligent Corporate Solutions Ltd
Diara House; Madaraka Shopping Centre
Olesangale Road, Nairobi

Mobile: 0726-264645
Tel: 020-2620880/4

 >> Wed 18th September 2013 Pageant Launch
        Nairobi Club, Nairobi 
 >> Sat 05th October 2013 | County Auditions in Voi Town
        (Venues to be Communicated), Voi
 >> Sat 02nd November 2013 Miss Tourism Kenya 2013 County Finals
Voi Wildlife Lodge, Voi
>> Sat 30th November 2013 Miss Tourism Kenya 2013 Finals

Tuesday 13 August 2013

From Facebook: Governor John Mruttu vs The Public!!! Interesting.

  • Employment of kenyans originating from other counties

    I trust you have all read sunday nation page 22. The article deals with
    employment opportunities in counties and implies that NCIC will issue
    guidelines to compel Governors to offer employment to kenyans originating
    from other counties. This is to avoid counties becoming ethnic enclaves. We
    have discussed the subject in this forum before. Any further thoughts on it.
    Like ·  · Follow Post ·  · Sunday at 15:57 via Email
    • 6 people like this.
    • Wilfred Mwawaza Mjomba priority should be given to people frm our county.let's give the opportunities to our own young men n women let's not have repeat of history n other past injustices where people would be brought from for to serve us while our very own qualified n competent people remain jobless or unemployed
      Sunday at 16:04 via mobile · Like · 2
    • Silvano Mwabora but dnt give them a say over our own county residents...ikiezekana wakuwe tuu assistants and Tea boys. mheshimiwa have a look at a county like Nakuru. The above named county only employed one tribe as its employees. Kindly make it as your reference in recruitments. Thank you
      Sunday at 16:05 via mobile · Like · 3
    • Elly Elia Mruttu Sorry to say that having the numbers has its concequences... it is evident that this is a plot to avoid sone tribes with big numbers from being jobless coz they cant fit in their counties. counties with minority tribes in kenya like our county will be hard hit by this. jaz for example one time i was comparing the shortlist of taita taveta county with elgeyo marakwet county and ours included all the tribes but the marakwet one was their names only. if pple are to get jobs outside their counties let them put positions that are not supperior coz if they have superior positions like what we see here in taita taveta (the CFO and county secretary) are not from here we are seeing a drop in service delivery leave alone developments. i think we should have a percentage that is acceptable and specific positions that canbe given to non county and this should cut through all the counties.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Wanjala and Lilian mining Companies to be audited

News of more than 30 mining licences which were revoked by Mining Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala was received well by many Kenyans. However, it has come to my notice that some of the affected areas were our very own Wanjala Mining Company in Kishushe  and Lillian Mining Company based in Kasigau.
Mining Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala

Thursday 1 August 2013

Taveta farmers want barriers to Tanzania markets removed

Horticultural farmers in Taita Taveta are pushing for unrestricted access to Tanzania markets to make the East African Community integration a reality.
Taveta small-scale farmers association spokesperson Mike Banton said although the East African Community (EAC) common market protocol paved way for free movement of persons, goods, services and labour, it is favouring other citizens coming into Kenya.
‘‘It is important for our government to take up this matter in the EAC legislative assembly and ensure that the laws governing the integration are applied uniformly,’’ he said. Farmers from Taveta say they face many hurdles in accessing Arusha and Moshi markets.
Mr Banton said produce like tomatoes are rotting in farms following a bumper harvest. Taveta, a food basket of the Coastal region, suffers heavy losses due to the poor roads leading to the main market in Mombasa.
The African Development Bank has released Sh10 billion for the upgrading of the road from Mwatate to Arusha by December 2018, a move that will enable farmers easily transport their produce to markets. The farmers said that they had high hopes of venturing into Tanzanian market, but now face economic barriers.
Kenya and Tanzania last year issued a common communique that allowed Kenyans a free movement of a radius of 20 kilometres into Tanzania while any distance further would be guided by international travel rules.
The farmers concerns come at a time that Kenyan manufacturers are fighting to save the Sh114 billion regional export business as Ugandan and Tanzania increasingly charge full duty on imports from Kenya.
Protectionist measures
The arbitrary protectionist measures are undermining the East African Common Market forcing the Kenya Association of Manufacturers to seek an urgent meeting with the Treasury and the Trade ministry.
Kenyan entrepreneurs have linked the decline in trade with EAC member states to persistent market access wars.

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Didas Mzirai elected as NYBA President! (PHOTOS)

Didas Mzirai from Taita Taveta County has been elected the new president of National Youth Bunge Association. Didas has took over from Mr. Silas Maru.
The new NYBA president, Mr. Didas Mzirai giving his acceptance speech after clinching the seat.

The outgoing president Silas Maru (on the left) handing over the NYBA certificate to the incoming New President Mr. Didas Mzirai.

Monday 22 July 2013

Friday 19 July 2013

YOUR SAY: Uhuru donated land to Taita Taveta SQUATTERS - Is it fulfilled?


UHURU KENYATTA donates 4000 acres of Gicheha farm to Taita Taveta SQUATTERS

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta (currently the president) has poured cold water on the heated land debate, by donating 4000 acres of Gicheha farm in Taita Taveta District, to thousands of squatters in the district.

On Wednesday, Tana River District commissioner Heribae Nkaduda claimed that the Kenyatta family had agreed to resettle some squatters on Gicheha farm and that chiefs and their deputies were to engage in verification to ensure only genuine squatters benefit from the alleged resettlements in Lumi, Njikuini and Sir Ramson areas.On Monday, Public Health Minister Beth Mugo said the Kenyatta family will donate thousands of acres to thousands of squatters who are “genuine” in the County.

Mugo, who is a member of the Kenyatta family, said they were donating on “humanitarian grounds” and they will continue doing it in other areas outside the County.

Gicheha farm in Taita Taveta belongs to Kenyatta’s family and not Uhuru as his political detractors claim.

The Kenyatta family is believed to own thousands of acres of land in the Taita Taveta district.

By Linus Nyambu on Facebook!

NYS Ni LAZIMA!!! Vijana kujiunga baada ya KCPE

Bunge la senet limepitisha mswada utakaopelekea vijana wanaomaliza shule za upili nchini kujiunga na huduma ya vijana NYS kabla ya kujiunga na vyuo vikuu au vyuo vingine vya mafunzo.

Hatua hiyo imechukuliwa ili kuwezesha vijana kupata mafunzo ya taaluma tofauti na kupalilia uzalendo kabla ya kujiunga na masomo ya vyuo vikuu au shughuli zozote baada ya kumaliza shule za upili.

PHOTOS: Fight Against Child Abuse Campaign at Wundanyi

Fight Against Child Abuse and Drug Abuse Event took place yesterday (18th July 2013) at Wundanyi County Council Hall.

Your Say - Corruption!

This Kilinda scandal lets end it here and now!I see rifts already..

My fellow Taitas;Right now in Kenya,there are rumors of a revolution soon.But..We Taitas are peace loving people..

We are blessed and endowed with resources that no other county in Kenya has.We have Minerals(Madini),fertile land,Mountains,Tsavo National Park,et al..

The Mwatate-Taveta road construction will start soon.We now have a devolved system of Government ,meaning TTC is a Government on its own..With all these resources,tell me, do we need outsiders or the Government?Tunajulikana wataita voted 6-piece CORD 100% so tuko opposition as usual.. We can fend for ourselves as they continue despising us as a minority tribe!

Leka sasa niwesere iri koshi iwi; NSIS na Kibunjia winishtaki for hate speech.Bure kabisa chuchuwiri iri.

By: Walter Wray on Facebook!

Thursday 11 July 2013

Taita parents blamed for protecting rapists

Parents in Taita Taveta county have been warned against protecting culprits in child sexual abuse cases. The county children's officer Juma Boga yesterday said some parents do not report such incidents thus hampering the fight against the vice.

Boga said there is an increase in the number of early marriages in the county. He blamed parents for not reporting those who abuse their children.

"It is sad that some parents collude with culprits who sexually abuse their children. Some cases are reported but majority of them are not as the parents take the cases to village kangaroo courts," Boga said.
The children's officer said such parents are hampering the fight against child abuse. Boga said his office has launched "an all-out war" against paedophiles who seem undeterred by stiff penalties.

"I ask parents to closely watch their children. They should report abuse immediately," he said. Last month, Mwatate DC Shufaa Muijuma said there is an increase in cases of children being sexually abused.

SOURCE: The Star

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Ward Reps rejects two nominees

Taita Taveta Governor John Mututa Mruttu has received  another blow after Members of the County Assembly MCAs rejects two of his nominees. The rejected were among eight who were facing opposition from the MCAs after Mruttu nominated them without unlawfully.

Alex Mwangeka, a key allay of Mruttu who had been the nominee for Public Works, ICT and Energy received a lot of opposition from the MCAs. His name was however rejected. Nominee for Agriculture Harrison Mghana was also axed.

Mr Mruttu presented the names for approval to the county assembly after an earlier list of ten nominees had been rejected.

However, some of the MCAs boycotted the session claiming that they were not informed.

YOUR SAY: Gavana is failing the County

Mruttu ni mtu anatushangaza....ttc imekwama kwa sababu governor haelewi siasa na hafahamu masilahi ya watu wa taita taveta. 
Gavana John Mruttu (R) with Vision 2030 Director General Mugo Kibati

Kipofu haonyeshwi njia huongozo, kiziwi haambiwi nenda huvutwa mkono. 
Gavana Mruttu with Taita Taveta ACK Bishop Mwaluda (L) 

Nani ataongoza Mruttu? Na ni nani atashika yeye mkono? Kiburi hakisaidii. It's this simple

BY: Linus Nyambu - Blogger at Facebook


Wundanyi MP Thomas Mwadeghu
NMG Reporter Jonathan Manyindo during a past function in Taita Taveta County.

YOUR SAY: Tsavo should benefit community

What you say about Taita Taveta County:

Taita/Taveta county has two major National parks, Tsavo east and west which covers more 60% of the land, 32% taken by private land and the rest remains shared by the community and other citizens of Kenya. 

To be more realistic, this is a God given reward to the community, we must be the first people to benefit from this, but as I'm writing as at now the community takes it as a curse, reasons being people loose life due to wild animals,their agricultural products are being destroyed, compensation takes too long and it's like a drop of water in Indian ocean.
Lugard Falls, Galana River, Tsavo East National Park

What we need to see, grants from kws to upkeep the standard life of the community, many projects by the name of kws.The worst party of it is what happened on this Thursday during the sell of old items of kws such as buses, graders, tractors and so many other items. 

To me, to upgrade this county as the beneficiary, the management of kws could have sat down with the governor and come up with a good proposal on how to get some of these item such as graders and tractor no matter could it be in form of a loan. 
Elephants crossing river at Tsavo National Park

This good be a new beginning of the county in terms of county properties. Believe me or not, most of this items went outside of this county, in favour of the larger community which always other kenyans put a lot of question marks on them. As a lesson to this county, we must set our county by laws which in future will be generate an income to this county. 

Charity begins at home, we are party and parcel of these parks, we need to see our youth employed at 50%, tenders to be given to the common community etc.

By Gibon Mwakichi - Blogger.

Friday 5 July 2013

"Idara Ya Giza" threats Taita Taveta residents

This leaflet has caused high tension among Christians in Taita-Taveta County. The leaflets are allegedly written by a group of devil worshippers who claims that Christians are overtaking the region spiritually.

Friday 28 June 2013

Naomi Shaban admits poll results were altered

Taveta MP Naomi Shaban admitted election officials changed election results, but denied she was part of the alteration.
Dr Shaban said the tallies on Form 35 at Rekeke Polling Station were changed from 250 votes to 310. 
“I have nothing to do with the alteration, which is part of documents filed in the court,” she said.
In her testimony during a case challenging herelection, the MP on Thursday told Mombasa judge Fred Ochieng that she did not know why this took place.


Voi United won 2 - 1 KRA during a friendly match at Moi Stadium on 27th June 2013.
Take a look on what happened!

Thursday 27 June 2013


The beauty of Taita Taveta County

Mwazo solves assembly row

Taita Taveta Senator Dan Mwazo has intervened in a row between the executive committee and county assembly.The row followed the swearing in of county executive members by Governor John Mruttu after they were rejected by county assembly members.
Last Friday, Mwazo held a closed door meeting with both parties and asked them to solve their differences amicably.On Monday, Mruttu held a closed door meeting with the assembly members at Wundanyi where the two parties deliberated on the matter.

Imams criticise pay rise threats

Religious leaders at the Coast have condemned the mounting pressure on the government to increase salaries for MPs, senators, teachers and other public servants and their continued strike threats.
The Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya termed these incidents as a threat to development.Speaking at Kenyatta High School in Mwatate during the CIPK's peace initiative in Taita Taveta county on Saturday, organising secretary Mohammed Khalifa said the demands for higher salaries are a big disappointment to citizens who want the country to move forward.

County representatives push for fresh Cabinet appointees

Taita Taveta County Ward Representatives want Governor John Mruttu to name a fresh Cabinet if he is to reconcile with them.
They have sued him at Mombasa High Court for swearing-in a Cabinet they had rejected.
On Saturday, they told Taita Taveta Senator Dan Mwazo that the process of naming the County Executive Committee should be restarted.
Mruttu is scheduled to meet the representatives this morning in a bid to solve the stalemate that has derailed service delivery.